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Why should you have a morning routine?

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

Starting your Day on the Right Foot!

Why get up earlier than you have just to complete a morning routine when you could be getting a few more minutes of some solid shut eye? Because having a morning routine sets your tone for the day!

Rushing out the day, groggy, worried you’re going to be late, probably with not the best attitude is setting you up to have a not so great day.

I love my morning routine because it’s a peaceful way to start my day. I’m allowed to have some me time, to sip my coffee, while I focus on the good that today is going to bring me. My morning routine also allows me to have a more productive day.

Everyone’s morning routine will be slightly different for them, and that is okay. Personally for me, my morning routine is simply enjoying my coffee while I journal. Some have very elaborate journaling sessions, whereas mine is more about practicing gratitude, and mapping out my day.

Morning Journaling

Each morning in my journal I write out

- 3 things I am grateful for

- 3 things that will make today great

- 3 daily affirmations for myself – because we could all use a little extra self-love

In addition to that, I find a quote that resonates with how I am feeling that day off Pinterest and write it in my journal.

Plan your Day

I then spend a few minutes writing out a to do list for that day, and blocking off time to ensure I get it all done.

Starting your Day on the Right Note

Starting my day this way, allows me to start each day on a happy note, being thankful for what I have in this world, and gearing me up for a productive and positive day.

Find What Works for You!

Your morning routine doesn’t have to be elaborate. Do what works for you. Whether that be mediation, morning yoga, your own variation of journaling, getting a workout in, going for a walk - the possibilities are endless. Just do something first thing that makes you feel good and sets you up to have the best day possible!

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