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  • Writer's pictureabrinsonfit

The Power of Block, Mute & Unfriend

Take control of what you see online

In today's day in age our thought patterns and mental well being are largely influenced by social media, whether we are aware of it or not.

We spend a large portion of our day aimlessly scrolling social media. Looking at the cute dogs, the funny videos, memes, but also the negative posts and comments.

What is your feed full of?

If your instagram feed is filled with these model looking girls, who are insanely tall with very low body fat percentages, over time you will begin to think that you are inadequate because you don’t look anything like them. You will start obsessing over how you can get in better shape to look more like them, how to make your legs longer, etc. It can be a very toxic headspace to get into. Especially when you are perfect just the way you are. 

In addition, if you have friends who are constantly posting negatively, or what they are posting about does not align with your moral compass. Unfriend or mute them. Exposing yourself to that everyday is doing far more harm than good. And you have the power to stop seeing it.

Prioritize your mental wellbeing

Our mental wellbeing should be something we take the utmost care of. We should always prioritize it. The hours spent scrolling and taking in everything you see online has an effect on your well being. Take control of your mental health. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, that post things that you don’t agree with, or you simply don’t gain anything from them.

Instead follow accounts that show diversity, that boost you up, make you feel good about yourself, and add value to your life.

We only have one life. Don’t waste it by letting the facetuned, unrealistic highlight reel of social media bring you down. You have the power to stop seeing those things. I guarantee that once you stop following those types of accounts, your mental health will improve.

Be mindful of the content we are consuming each and every day, because it does play a role in our overall wellbeing.

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