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  • Writer's pictureabrinsonfit

Life not going as planned? That’s okay!

So many of us get caught up in plan A. That when things that are most often out of our control don’t go how we planned we are thrown off course. Many of us assume that means we are failures. But in fact its means the contrary. We just have new opportunities coming our way. Some we may not have even envisioned for ourselves. But that’s okay!

Plan A rarely works out. When you listen to professors, or your parents and grandparents speak about their life journey, very few had every step go according to plan, nor did they have their life figured out in their early 20’s. They have these intricate and interesting stories about how they tried one volunteer experience that shifted their perspective so their plan got altered. One unexpected summer job opened a whole new field to them. They got a degree, the job they had always dreamed of, just to realize a few months in that it wasn’t for them. But somehow despite the journey they took, every single one of them found their way. Whenever I hear these stories I am always so intrigued by everything they have gone through and find it so fascinating as their journey is truly so unique to them. Every small moment has led them to where they are today. Not once have I heard a person’s journey and thought to myself wow they are such a failure because their plan A didn’t happen.

So stop putting the pressure on yourself. If you didn’t get the job? That’s okay, there will be another one. You didn’t get into the grad school you had your heart set on. That’s okay! You can try again, or maybe there’s another calling in life that is better suited for you.

I don’t think any of us have one set plan that we are destined to follow. As humans, we are constantly changing and evolving. Being shaped by the experiences we go through. Therefore, it’s not fair to think that the dream and plan we made as teenagers is going to hold true, as many of us are not the same people we were in high school.

We need to stop focusing so much on the future, and start enjoying the present. Every day we are presented with so many new and compelling opportunities, that most of us miss as we are spending too much of our time worrying that nothing will work out.

Plans our supposed to change. Instead of fearing them, we should embrace these changes, as it means something new, something better suited for who we are today is coming our way!

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