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How to Tackle University Online

8 tips on how to be successful at online school

It’s no surprise that this semester is unlike any other one have we experienced. It can be challenging and overwhelming trying to tackle online school without any real guidance. And the worst part is that we are missing the social aspect of university that so many of us live off of.

While we can’t change how our school year is running, we can create a positive environment with great tools to set us up to have an amazing semester. Below are tips that helped me get on track, and succeed at online school.

1.Figure out when lectures and assignments are due

It can be overwhelming when classes are asynchronous and it's up to you to set a schedule on when you need to have lectures, labs, quizzes, assignments, and tests done by. 

For me I like to visualize everything for all of my classes in one place. I used this google sheet template to organize all of my classes for each week. It's an easy way for me to see what lectures I need to get done each week, and if I have any deadlines coming up. My favourite part is that everything is in one pace, instead of having to flip through countless syllabuses each day to figure out what's going on

Make a copy of this google sheet and then you can edit it to make it your own!

2. Create a schedule for yourself 

Without having to be on campus by a specific time, and majority of courses operating on a more “do it at your own pace” style, it can be very easy to spend all morning lounging around, taking too many breaks in the afternoon, and before you know it its 10pm and you haven't finished one thing for the day.

I created this schedule for myself. It includes my workout time, when I work, time to dedicate to social media, my synchronous classes, and the times I need to sit down and do school work. 

It’s not a concrete schedule, some days things shift and that's okay! But having a general outline helps keep me on track.

Make a copy of this google sheet and then you can edit it to make it your own!

3. Set a to do list for each day

Setting a to do list for each day is easiest done when you have always completed steps 1 and 2. Every night I look over my course outline doc to see what I have coming up for the next day in terms of lectures, and if there are any deadlines in the next few days that I should be working towards. 

I write down everything I need to get done the next day and glance at my schedule to see when I can schedule it all in.

I jot all of this in my notes app on my iphone, and the next day as I complete things i go through and check them off - something i find very satisfying to do!

4. Distractions off

Being at home all the time makes it all too easy to scroll on instagram for far too long. To say “I’m just going to watch one more episode” a few too many times. Best way to combat this? Do not disturb turned on, on all devices - laptop, phone, etc. The best way to not get distracted is to not see the distractions.

For some do not disturb may not be enough. I personally find the most useful strategy is to throw my phone in the sea of pillows on my bed, out of reach so I can't grab it in the middle of a lecture to aimlessly scroll.

5. Schedule YOU time

Yes school is important but so if downtime. Everyone's downtime may look a little different. For some it may be a night of doing nothing, making time to hit the gym, exploring the outdoors, getting together with loved ones, having a wine night with friends - whatever your downtime is, make time for it. We can’t be go go go all the time, to have the energy and brain capacity to do our best in school, we need to take the time to recharge and have a break.

6. Create a good space to work in

You will be spending a whole lot of time cooped up in one area of your home, make that place an inviting and enjoyable place to be. Add things that make you feel cozy, comfortable, and allow you to be productive.

For me, I like somewhere that is well lit (preferably by natural light), a window to look out of, a tidy work area, and a candle flickering nearby!

7. Give yourself some grace

Don’t be hard on yourself. Guaranteed everything will not go as planned, and that's okay. Roll with it, readjust when you have to and just keep moving.

Getting caught up in being off track, stressing on being behind won’t change it, accept it for what it is, and create a new plan to get back on track.

8. Coffee

Probably the most important tip of all. Coffee, however much you need to get through the day. Without much else to look forward to these days with mountains of school work piling, and social distancing still a protocol, having my morning coffee (and sometimes an afternoon one too) is the thing I look forward to each day. It allows me a tip to sit and enjoy the warm feeling and soothing taste of my coffee. On top of the added boost it gives me to get shit done!

You're not alone. We are all struggling and slightly lost and confused with this new online school world, but hopefully these tips can help you feel less overwhelmed and tackle online school to the best of your abilities!

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