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  • Writer's pictureabrinsonfit

How to get over a breakup?

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

Break ups are something we all go through and yet no matter how many times we go through them they all suck just as bad. The amount of pain and heartbreak associated with a break up can vary depending on the length of the relationship, the reason for the breakup, and how you and your ex left things – but regardless, your heart still hurts.

I wish I had some perfectly definable answer to what the secret to getting over a break up fast and with minimal heartache is, but the reality is the only thing that will heal a break up is time. You can try and speed up the healing process, but that often just leads to denying your feelings, shoving them down, only to have them come boiling up later and 10x worse than before. That’s one main reason why I am a firm believer in just letting yourself feel the emotions and giving yourself time to heal.

Some break ups will take longer to heal than other. My 6-year relationship I am still not over, but my most recent one I have moved past.

Despite the pain and amount of healing time, I find the best thing to do is to focus on YOU! Take your few days to yourself - eat the ice cream, curse his name, then wipe your tears and work on becoming a better version of you.

Personally I like to focus in on my goals, and I have such a drive to achieve them after the initial sadness period of a break up. I’m hitting the gym regularly, motivated to follow my meal plan. I’m making strides in my business, crushing my school exams. I’m working on taking time for myself – to unwind and decompress.

In addition to focusing on you, do thinks that make you feel GOOD. What makes you feel like you are at your best? You want a fresh set of nails? Go get em girl. Having your hair blown out makes you feel on fire, girl go! Having a nice glowy tan (even the fake kind) gives your inner confidence a major boost, go become a bronzed goddess.

Focus on you and your goals. No longer needing to worry about setting time aside for your relationship, you now have that time to invest in yourself! While break ups are hard, they make us stronger. And once we realize our full potential and have our self-confidence at new heights we will be unstoppable.

Push through the heart ache stage because it will get better, and when it does you will be a whole new and improved version of yourself!

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